The Podcast for the Ag Sales Professional
An agriculture podcast dedicated to selling in agribusiness. This Ag podcast focuses on the best practices for selling to farmers and livestock producers. We also focus on those salespeople who call on Ag buyers at the thousands of agribusinesses that serve the farming community.
How to capture 2/3rds more sales in the same amount of time and effort The strategy to grow my territory was always an exciting concept to work on. Over the years, I spent countless times trying to decide who, how, where, and when I would focus my most valuable resource: my time! One of those […]
The 1 question you need to ask every farmer you sell to during an inflation Remember that childhood challenge from the local bully? The one that sounded something like, “Yeah? So, what are you going to do about it?” Well, it might just be a great solution to the current environments you are running into […]
3 areas to differentiate yourself as a salesperson When your customers interact with you and your company, do they say, “Wo! Or WoW?” Wo means, their experience is so bad, they exclaim, “Wo! That was bad.” WoW means, their experience is so good, that they exclaim, “Wow, that was fast, easy, great!” Listen in as […]
Use the Buddy Shirt Method to develop teamwork Everyone knows or should know that we can all accomplish more through teamwork. And most of us in business actually practice fairly good teamwork behavior. The Problem: However, there is a group of employees in our business that historically struggles with teamwork. This group can sometimes even […]
Listen better, gain more understanding of what your customer needs, and sell better Every customer or prospect you meet is seeking one common goal. Do you know what it is? Is it money, bigger yields, lower input costs, or increased ROI? Maybe. But the one thing every one of them wants from you as their […]
People buy from people they Trust There is a well-known phrase in selling, “People buy from people they know and trust”. The struggle that most of us face in selling is, “How do I build trust?”. If you are a new salesperson and don’t have established relationships, this can be difficult. Listen in as Greg […]
You Selling You to You Your first customer is you and the first product you sell is YOU! Might be a tongue twister, but it is true. This is not your standard run of the mill, “Fake it till you make it” message. I want you to understand that in the beginning and maybe even […]
How to develop your own “Pain Relief” as an Ag Sales Professional Ever thought about your daily selling struggles as pain? When you decide to go see that difficult customer or collect from that past due account, do you think of it as pain? If so, then we can jump right into pain relief. If […]