The Podcast for the Ag Sales Professional

An agriculture podcast dedicated to selling in agribusiness.  This Ag podcast focuses on the best practices for selling to farmers and livestock producers.  We also focus on those salespeople who call on Ag buyers at the thousands of agribusinesses that serve the farming community.

Letting Go to Grow To advance through the stages of a sales career, you need to learn the toughest and most important step of letting go!

What?  We’ve all been told for years, “winners never quit and quitters never win” Learn to ignore that adage and start quitting to win!

If you are in sales, then sales meetings are a fact of life Use these three action items to get more out of every meeting!

  Strategies for approaching difficult conversations with customers It’s not IF, but WHEN you will have a credit discussion!  

Originally published in Feed & Grain’s Coach’s Corner Blog   It’s not about your Selling Process   Connect better and sell more when you get out of your selling process and get into your customer’s buying process!

Originally published in Wisconsin Agri-Business News – Winter 2018     How do you measure your salespeople?   How do you measure yourself?

  Live up to everything you promised your prospects and customers This is NOT a political article.  It’s all about how to live up to the promises we make as salespeople when trying to sell a prospect.  Find out how you can build trust and win your customer’s vote.

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