It’s Boom Time for Seed Selling Delivering


Agribusiness is Boom and Bust based on the seasons:  Now is that time of year when the seed business is at full speed and mistakes are bound to happen.


Learn to handle those mistakes


Learn how important you are in navigating these Gray Areas!


Since Ag is seasonal and an outdoor sport, agribusiness runs through a cycle of boom and bust.  We have had a late start to planting due to colder and wetter weather.  However, the ground is drying and the temps are coming up.  While the seed selling was done months and weeks prior, now we have the mechanics of getting the seed from our supplier, in the right variety, treated and delivered.

Previously, I wrote about returning bags of treated seed.  If you are in the agronomy business, you know this is one of the toughest gray areas you have to work through.  The reasons for those returns are plenty and the financial impact of your choices is high.

Please see that full article in its rewritten version at:  “I’m Returning These Bags of Seed”

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