High performance through advanced goal-setting

A new look at setting goals and achieving your sales success

Is goal setting a struggle for you? Or maybe you have been setting goals and not hitting them?  In January, a lot of us sit down for our annual review and our annual goal-setting session.  Listen to today’s podcast for some unique thoughts on the subject. 

This is a more advanced look at how to set goals to achieve daily, weekly, monthly, and ultimately yearly or life-long goals.  It is not your standard discussion on SMART goal setting.  It goes a bit deeper than that.

 I’m joined by Kyle Martinelli on the podcast today to discuss high achievement.  Much of that achievement is connected to consistent, daily activities that ultimately get you to that high performance.

While we discuss sports a lot in this podcast, these methods have been used in building a real estate business, a wealth management career, and a great family life for himself.

Here are the times and topics covered in our discussion

  • 03:32 – High performance in work that didn’t show up until later in life.  When hiring, most companies look at academic grades.  While they are a partial indicator, school isn’t always the best indicator of future performance in the work world.
  • 06:20 – Goal setting that works.  Reverse engineering your goal into daily activities.  Going it alone versus getting a coach.  The bigger purpose of a goal….to drive a process of action steps.
  • 11:03 – The concept of “Good Enough”, which is often described to me by sales managers as the complacency of doing just enough to get by.  I bring this subject up because it is such a difficult area for managers to work with.  I posed this dilemma to Kyle to get his view on it.
  • 14:03 – One piece of advice to a new or young person who has decided to set a big goal for themselves but is feeling overwhelmed.  We discuss how important it is to be honest with yourself throughout your journey.  Honest about where you are, where you want to go, and whether or not you are willing to put in the work to get there.  Ultimately, the journey has to be sustainable. 
  • 17:45 – A very unique goal-setting method based on DISC style and the personal need to achieve. It has worked wonders for me for many years. 
  • 22:01 – It is said, that the thief of joy is comparison.  However, we are constantly compared in our lives by our employers and our customers.  While we don’t want to eliminate comparison or competition, there is one concept to keep in mind if you are new at anything, selling, managing, or sports. That concept is, Don’t compare your first day to my 20 years in the business”

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