Tag: GregMartinelli.net

Fear doesn’t lurk in the background; it jumps up in front of you and kills your sale Well-intentioned motivational speakers often turn fear into the acronym: False Evidence Appearing Real.  Not true.  Fear is real and it’s there for a reason.  If you fall off a cliff, you die.  That’s real.  If you overstep your […]

These killers lurk in the darkness of our minds.  They put a stranglehold on creativity, growth and success.  They hold us back and slow us down from reaching our potential.  The first step to overcoming is to identify them and recognize which ones are killing our sales results.  If you find yourself thinking that none […]

It’s Boom Time for Seed Selling Delivering   Agribusiness is Boom and Bust based on the seasons:  Now is that time of year when the seed business is at full speed and mistakes are bound to happen.   Learn to handle those mistakes   Learn how important you are in navigating these Gray Areas!              […]

I’d Like a Brand-new Feed Mill for Christmas             The old saying “Be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it” comes to mind throughout this adventure in what was to be my second worst day at selling feed.  We operated two mills in the area.  One, built in the 1950’s and […]

The Day our Feed Trucks Quit             I still remember the location on Highway 90 that I was driving on when I got the call from the feed mill.  On a boiling, warm Tuesday morning in July, my family loaded into the minivan and headed to O’Hare for the vacation of a lifetime. Fifteen years […]

I know why I want to segment my customers, but How do I go about segmenting them? In our last blog, we covered why you want to segment your customers…. increased sales, increased profits, increased sales productivity, gaining clarity on who to call on and what products or services to offer them.  Now comes the […]

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