3 Important Questions for Salespeople – PODCAST

Do you have good answers to these three questions?

          My favorite part of any sales training workshop is the “Understand” phase.  This is the part of the day when we learn how to get better at asking questions.  As good as we think we are, we can always get better at the discovery phase of the selling process.  I call it “Understanding” as I think that describes exactly what we are trying to do: Understand how our targeted customer makes decisions.  The reference to “Targeted Customer” means your ideal or average customer.  For example, in the Midwest, it’s common for the targeted customer to be a 1200-acre corn, beans, some wheat/pasture with maybe some beef. 

          To kick off this session, I like to ask the group these three questions.  How they answer them, tells me a lot about how well they know their customers, their products, and even their industry.

Question #1:  How does your targeted customer make decisions to buy your products?

Listen in to learn how to answer all 3 to improve your selling process!

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